All our numbers mean we're number one.

Number count, and how.

Our milestone 50 years of business, for example, lead us to head towards even more ambitious aims and increasingly more significant results. For us, having reached them, and for all those who will be able to improve their lives thanks to FAAC technology, which, getting back to the figures, boasts the highest number of patents: 42 Gate automation originates from the intuition of our founder who first designed it and developed it. And together with us, remains in first place worldwide. And in our hearts.

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Some dreams become reality under the same sky

FAAC pride goes beyond Italian manufacturing: actually, it's even closer to home. The dream which first opened the doors of automation to all originated in the same land that has expanded worldwide technological excellence.

We like to think that it is no coincidence.

We emphasise that the determination of certain dreamers, here in Emilia, has always found fertile ground as well as people who can imagine anything and have tireless arms, always aiming at improving the work that has just been completed.

Clearly, the technology made in Emilia consists of research, quality and innovation but especially of dreams ... by people who are on the ball.

Quality, Safety, Research And Development:
4 Aces Always up our sleeve.
Technology is not a game, of course, but there are elements that make it win out every time: when they make it reliable and able to improve lives, day after day.
That's why quality and safety at FAAC go hand in hand: one is essential to the other. And both are continuously nourished with research and development.
It all sounds very simple. Behind every product and every patent that improves it, there are many people, and as much dedication and lots and lots of satisfaction: yours first and foremost.
A group, many numbers, one goal.

2,400 people, 32 subsidiaries in 5 continents, over 80 official distributors worldwide: these figures sketch out a business in constant evolution: the FAAC group.

While the technological heart continues to beat in Bologna, FAAC has concentrated the group's electronics manufacturing in Dublin, creating the necessary synergies to offer products according to FAAC parameters: innovative, reliable and unbeatable.