“Public bollards":
Safe sightseeing in Salzburg
Salzburg downtown sightseeing is not always safe: many drivers do not comply with access prohibitions, thus hindering or
even jeopardising pedestrians. Limiting traffic in the city has absolutely become an important priority matter. Main goals
are therefore, on one side, the reduction of accident risks and, on the other, the cutting down of harmful substances
emissions as well as acoustic pollution both for residents and visitors. Thanks to suitable measures, individual motor‐driven
traffic can be pushed out of the residential areas into the main street network. Therefore, the choice usually falls on street
police measures, such as the introduction of the 30 km/h areas, and on the use of architectural barriers. In Salzburg it has
been discussed for years about the use of mechanical blocks, now the public administration has decided to equip the city
centre with bollards. 1 4 automatic FAAC bollards of the latest generation and 29 fixed bollards limit the traffic in the city
centre in 1 5 locations.
Access is regulated by time. Dealers can have access until about 1 1a.m. for delivery activities. In order to enter these areas
also outside the opening hours, the down‐town inhabitants, the coaches and the taxis will receive 3500 FAAC radio
controls; access authorizations are controlled by Siemens access control system. For hotel guests, craftsmen, and for
special deliveries, the bollards can be lowered in every location also by means of a code keypad or a key selector. Each
movement of the bollard is then recorded. The concealing bollards are equipped with long lasting wear‐resistant hydraulic
units, thick stainless steel cylinders and high rising and lowering speeds as well as automatic lowering in the event of a
power cut. They can also be controlled, in a centralised manner, both by city administration and the police. The modular
circular assembly pits enable rapid excavation works by means of core drills. Management of manual radio transmitters
and access codes is performed through UMTS/HSD‐PA router. The Server controls the connection to the external points
and all data items are collected in a data base. The Client’s access occurs on the Server data base according to rights which
have been stored in the Server. Authorised transmitters and codes are automatically stored in the controllers on the
bollard locations, in order to guarantee the operation even if connection to the control room fails. All bollards are
protected with induction loops. Bollard rising occurs automatically after the vehicle has passed over the induction loop.
The background technique deserves a special note: SiPass integrated is a high performance and flexible access control
system complying with the strictest safety requirements. The SiPass Standard Edition software is a Windows based
Client/Server system with a wide range of safety and access control functions. A Workstation with monitor, UMTS/HSDPA
router, radioreceivers, LED flashing lamps, key selectors and code keypad complete the system. Siemens and FAAC work
close together on this project profiting respectively from the partner’s long international experience, top quality products
and know‐how.
Bollards locations:
Mönchsberg 1+2